Service Plan Comparison

Services Networx360 Plus Networx360 Complete
Help Desk    
End-user support  √  √
Online ticketing  √  √
Desktop/Laptop Management    
Proactive  Monitoring and Maintenance  √  √
Asset & lifecycle management  √  √
Security & protection - Anti Virus, Anti Malware/Spyware protection and removal  √  √
Security Patch Management  √  √
Unlimited Online backup & storage Optional  √
On Site Support  
PC, Server Maintenance Optional  √
Network administration (MACs) Optional  √
Back office support -  multi-function printer,  network    
Resource monitoring Optional  √
Service monitor (service availability) Optional  √
Security and OS patch management Optional  √
Server Support  
Proactive monitoring and Maintenance Optional  √
Security & protection - Anti Virus, Malware Optional  √
Online backup and storage Optional  √
Security Patch Management Optional  √
Additional Services    
Monthly Report  √
Vendor Management  Optional  √
Technical Consulting and Planning 1 HR per month  √

À la carte Options

Our service and technical consultants can also help you customize a Maintenance and Support Plan to meet the unique needs of your organization.

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